Saturday, September 12, 2009

A "Talk" With Senator Richard Lugar's Office

Melissa Lineberry, the Indiana Interim State Coordinator for Campaign For Liberty, had been trying to contact Indiana Senators Richard Lugar and Even Bayh to find out when they would be in state during this last Congressional recess. The main reason for the inquiry was to invite them to attend a Town Hall meeting during the break to see where they stood to vote on several upcoming issues.

Senator Bayh’s office answered promptly in the negative.

“Dear Melissa,
Thank you for your scheduling request. There are no town halls scheduled for the Senator's trip to the state during August recess. The Senator will be traveling around Indiana for his annual Job Fairs, which he does at this time every year.
If you or these constituents would like to meet with a Regional Director to discuss issues or concerns, please let me know. I am happy to contact the correct individual to set up a meeting for you.
Thank you again for your request.
Stephanie Cherkezian
Deputy Scheduler
Office of Senator Evan Bayh
Phone: 202-224-5623
Fax: 202-228-0655”

A disappointing answer but Senator Bayh was going to be in state and working. He was going to be out and talking to the people.

What about Senator Lugar? The following is from Melissa’s posting about this on

“Lugar's office called me today to tell me that Lugar is not going to be in Indiana at these times so I asked her when will he be in Indiana this month while he is on vacation. She replied he won't be.
She then asked me, what did I want to ask the Senator about and I said voters across the state wanted to know what his votes will be like on a number of different bills and I did not want to speak for everyone and she said so which ones. So I named a few I said Health Care for one and she Said Lugar's vote is no and I said that’s good.
Now here is the sad part, I asked her about Cap and Trade she said she did not know his vote on that and then I asked about the Pass act and she said not sure what I am talking about, I did not remember the bill number. The next one I asked her about was S 604- Audit the fed. She was not aware of that one either she said, I explained it to her and she did not know what I was talking about. I even asked about the Clean Water and restoration Act and she was not aware of this bill either.
I then asked one of my personal questions to the Senator was what authority in the constitution did Mr. Lugar have for these bills. She asked what did I mean, was I asking about the president the president, I said no, congress has enumerated powers and there are very few in the constitution and she was not sure what I meant. I then asked if she did not know these answers it was even more important that the voters of this state get a chance to talk to Mr. Lugar so that we can ask these and other questions and she said he will be out of state at conferences. I said we are his employer and he really needs to talk to us. She said have you wrote him your thoughts, I said yes of course I have.
But when i get an answer back it is the same form letter and does not really answer the questions I have asked and she said oh. She ended the call by saying that she would let Senator Lugar know that I don’t like his letters.
I ended the call by telling her that many of the residents of this state would be calling to extend this invitation and for Mr. Lugar to make time to come to an event and answer some questions before he goes back and votes.”

OK…Is it wrong to be bothered that Senator Lugar will not even deign to be in the state he represents during a time that his constituents are seeking answers and wanting their elected representatives to listen to the concerns they have?

I’m really bothered more with a supposed spokesperson for the Senator’s office having no clue on bills that been so much in the news and before the public eye. That Senator Lugar has no “official” stance in his office on “Cap and Trade” should REALLY bother all Hoosiers as this bill if passed will cripple Indiana industry, dramatically raise our electric bills and in turn raise even higher the cost of living to those than can least afford it.

According to Senator Lugar he will not seek election 2012. I for one believe that given his lack of response to his constituents, now and over the last couple of years, this should have happened in 2006.

Tin Man:

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