Wednesday, August 24, 2011


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Minnie The Moocher:

Monday, August 1, 2011

What has Mr. Obama accomplished as President of the United States?

Mr. Obama’s Report Card:

Increased America’s debt by 35%.

Increased unemployment by 18%.

Falsified Hawaiian birth certificate after illegally holding the office of President of the United States.

Violated the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution by exerting federal government over state’s rights.

Largest increase in federal government in history.

Created a national health care system, modeled after the failing systems in Canada and Great Britain, and which creates nearly 100 new government agencies and programs.

Made the federal government the monopoly agency for student loans.

Made the federal government co-owner of various industries.

Alienated one of the US closest allies –Israel.

Weakened the military by allowing gays to openly serve.

Refuse to defend US borders against illegal aliens.

Violated the US Constitution by requiring every American to purchase health insurance.

Openly embrace Muslims who have vowed to destroy America while at the same time pushing to remove more Christian rights from Americans.

Established more socialist policies than any President in history.

Removed more citizen’s rights than any President in history.

Striving to make 15 million illegal aliens US citizens in time to vote in 2012.

To be fair his predecessor Mr Bush's record is as abysmal, just in different areas.

Garden Party: