Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Settled...His Nickname Is "The Great Prevaricator"

As I wrote in this blog yesterday I believe that myself and the American people have been lied to by both Mr. Obama and our elected federal officials.

I'm tired of being lied to by scheming, busybody politicians. President Obama and the Democrats, our own Indiana 2nd district Representative Joe Donnelly included, promised there would be NO new taxes on the middle class. But everywhere I look I see middle class tax increases.

To be fair to Congressman Donnelly he was allowed to vote against H.R. 2454, (i.e. The Cap & Trade bill) and I voiced my appreciation for that at the time. Wish he'd had that opportunity with H.R. 3962, but you know Ms Pelosi and Mr. Obama want to give the country a Christmas present this year. Why did Oliver Twist asking for more gruel just flash thru my mind

The healthcare bill is full of tax increases, and the cap-and-trade bill is NOTHING BUT a middle class tax increase. It will raise my gasoline and electric bills to accomplish a supposed public purpose (as defined by you guys). That's a tax, by any definition (except a politician's).

I'm tired of you guys playing fraudulent word-games to avoid responsibility for your actions. For example, I'm offended by this ABC interview from September 20 between George Stephanopoulos and President Obama:

STEPHANOPOULOS: "I don't think I'm making it up (that you're going to raise taxes). Merriam Webster's Dictionary: 'Tax: a charge, usually of money, imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.'"

OBAMA: "George, the fact that you looked up Merriam's Dictionary, the definition of tax increase, indicates to me that you're stretching a little bit right now. Otherwise, you wouldn't have gone to the dictionary to check on the definition."

This is evidence that moral rot has taken hold with the President.

Does he believe that words should be defined to suit his personal needs, instead of by common usage as reflected in an authoritative dictionary?

  • The "cap and trade" scheme is for a public purpose (as defined by you guys)
  • It will cost me more money, therefore . . .
  • It's a tax -- a tax INCREASE that the middle class will have to pay in violation of the promises we were made

I know you folks don't read your bills, and neither you nor I can be certain that your staffs are really telling you everything you ought to know about the legislation you pass, so maybe you should read this post by Declan McCullagh at CBS News.

The "cap and trade" scheme could cost American families $1,761 a year - equivalent to a 15% income tax increase! Your staffs should also brief you on the European experience with "cap and trade." It hasn't capped emissions -- they've grown instead. Cap-and-trade is both a failure and a tax increase.

Look, I have to be frugal during hard times. But I can't do that if you guys increase my taxes. Stop breaking my budget! Scrap the "cap and tax" bill!

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