Sunday, August 15, 2010

‘Cash for Flunkers’

House Minority Leader John Boehner has suggested several names for the new stimulus bill Democrats rammed through Congress last week — none of them complimentary.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi summoned lawmakers back from summer break and they voted 61 to 39 on Tuesday to approve the emergency $26 billion stimulus-type bill that Democrats said would save 300,000 jobs. President Obama immediately signed it into law.

But Democrats were in such a rush to pass the bill that on Sunday night, two days before the vote, the legislation still did not have a name.

Congress’ official website called it the “____ Act of ____,” and the Library of Congress referred to it as the “XXXXXX Act of XXXX.”

Republicans said the bill is an election-year gift to teachers and public workers unions, CNSNews reported.

“A nameless bill for a hopeless cause is a fitting metaphor for a Democratic Congress that refuses to listen to the American people and abandon its job-killing agenda,” said Boehner. The Ohio lawmaker referred to it as the “union-boss bailout” bill and offered several names for the legislation:

Save Our “Stimulus” (SOS) Act

“Recovery Summer” Bailout Act (Cash for Flunkers)

Delivering Unions a Major Boost (DUMB) Act

Helping Election Expenditures, Hurting American Workers (HEEHAW) Act

Democracy Is Strengthened by Clearly Leveraging and Optimizing Special-Interests' Effectiveness (DISCLOSE) Act

Rescuing Incumbent Democrats Is Costly (RIDIC) Act

Summertime Cash for Union Bosses Instead of Spending Cuts for Taxpayers Act

Frivolous Act of Ineffective Largesse (FAIL) Act

Naming These Things Hasn't Gotten Us Anywhere, So Why Bother Act

Boehner said, “The American people don’t want more Washington ‘stimulus’ spending — especially in the form of a political season payoff to union bosses.”

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