Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I was lied to

The President and Congress promised that Obamacare would bring down healthcare costs. But Medicare's Chief Actuary, Richard Foster, just testified to the House Budget Committee that this claim is "false, more so than true." This makes me think I was lied to.

President Obama also promised that everyone who likes their current health insurance would be able to keep it. But many people are already losing their old health insurance because of Obamacare. This feels like another lie.

Candidate Obama promised that his healthcare bill would contain no requirement that would enrich health insurance companies by forcing citizens to buy their products. He even said, "Well, if things were that easy, I could mandate everybody to buy a house, and that would solve the problem of homelessness. It doesn’t."

Mr. Obama made quite a point of this when debating Hillary Clinton, but the law that people now call by his name, Obamacare, does exactly what he PROMISED it would not do. I'm quite certain I was lied to.

Politicians constantly promise to protect me from rapacious businesses, but that's another fraud. I can already protect myself by refusing to do business with companies I don't like. But how do I stop doing business with the federal state?

The best I can do is convince a majority of my fellow citizens to elect a Congress that will stop coercing me, but that's nearly impossible. So it's really you I need protection from, especially when you conspire with big businesses to pick my pocket for my own supposed benefit, as with Obamacare.

I'm angered by the hypocrisy. When a business does something wrong you politicians always erect some cancerous regulatory scam, like Sarbanes-Oxley, to punish the innocent along with the guilty, but do you hold the federal state to the same standard? NO! Not at all. Instead, it's lies, lies, lies, and fraud, fraud, fraud. Enough!

The Senate needs to repeal Obamacare, just like the House did. DO IT NOW!

Town Without Pity:

Child of The King:

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